Mayor's notice on the use of network water
The lack of precipitation, the high temperatures and the increase in consumption affect our aquifer and even if we started from a better situation than that of the last year, to the date we see with concern how the level of reserves is decreasing and the salinity is increasing (still within the parameters of normality).
For all that, we want to remind you that in order to try to anticipate us, we adopted a series of measures with the objective of intensifying the saving and making a more efficient use of water, measures that we should all consolidate as habits.
This is how we urge you to use the main water:
-Avoid intensive watering of gardens.
- Avoid cleaning vehicles and boats.
- Avoid cleaning facades and terraces.
- Minimize industrial use.
-Avoid filling and refilling pools
-Avoid any other use that is not strictly domestic.
From the town hall and from today we are taking the following measures:
-Replace the Festa Major water slide with inflatables on the beach and on the promenade.
-Utilization of water from other places or/and regenerated sources for the cleaning of streets and public spaces.
-Closing of the beach showers.
This Notice is the previous step to the Drought Decree, if the situation worsens, it will entail the prohibition and the establishment of sanctions for non-compliance with the established measures.
From the town hall we will make the maximum dissemination to the population through the usual channels of the content of this band, so that everyone becomes aware of the situation.
We ask everyone to use it responsibly and promote water conservation in their daily activities.
In the villa of El Port de la Selva, on August 4, 2022
The Mayor,
Josep Maria Cervera and Pinart