From El Port de la Selva to Cap de Creus (GR11). Starting point: Camí dels Masos (Puig Gros street).

Long-distance trail with a starting point at Camí dels Masos, at the end of Puig Gros street. From this point begins the track that enters the Natural Park passing through the hermitage of Sant Baldiri de Taballera, continuing through Mas Vell (in ruins), Mas de la Birba and Rabassers (in ruins). The journey to the lighthouse of Cap de Creus takes approximately 4-5 hours, so it is essential to bring supplies, since the journey is long and takes place in full sun, with no access to water or supplies. The descent to Cata Taballera is possible, but it is arduous due to the unevenness and time involved, since it is necessary to deviate quite a bit from the GR11. It is necessary to keep in mind that from Cala Taballera (Mas de la Birba road) we enter the Integral Natural Reserve (INR) and it is totally prohibited to leave the marked path.

Starting point coordinates: 42°20'20.6"N 3°12'28.2"E

Difficulty: Demanding

Positive gradient: 515 m

Negative gradient: 440 m