From El Port de la Selva to Sant Pere de Rodes through La Selva de Mar (GR11)

Distance: 10.9 km (round trip)

Estimated time: 4h 15m

Elevation (positive and negative): 590m

Difficulty (SENDIF): Demanding

Linear route starting at the Els Horts car park, very close to the Ribera in El Port de la Selva beach, made up mainly of sand and stones. Next, take the path on foot in the direction of La Selva de Mar. Once you reach the sports area of ​​the town, take the path known as the Els Dijous path (or the Gatiens path), which climbs towards the abandoned terraces, passing through the middle of ancient dry stone walls. Next, the route reaches the town, where from the center of the town and after leaving the church of Sant Sebastià behind, it climbs to the Rodes mountain range to finally reach the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, an authentic and precious jewel of the Catalan Romanesque architecture that offers the best views of Cap de Creus.


*Images property of the Natural Park of Cap de Creus